Monday, January 5, 2009

"Writers Block"..."Yes We Did"

It's winter and I'm stuck inside this house, and I'm back in vancouver. Man, this snow. 

I had a 4 hour stop over in taipei, and then a 11 hour flight from taipei to vancouver. That's alot of no talking, and thinking. My stopover in taipei gave me alot of time to get myself updated on my blog sites I haven't looked at, mainly because I couldn't dowload any new music while I was there cause of the slow sleep internet. Everyone has those reminiscent, foreshadowing new years blog, and I was thinking about doing that too, I believe I had a pretty memorable year. As much as reminiscing is fun and all, I have to say, I don't believe in New Years. Well, I just don't celebrate it. I came up with this thoery when I was 13, that if I lived without checkpoints in my life, I'd feel asl if I lived longer, and that I'd look at everything not by years, not by events, but my life as a whole. That everything in my life just happens in one long swing. If I became addicted to smoking right now, would I just make a resolution to stop smoking in 2010? When did you realize you needed to lose wieght?(noone needs to lose wieght its jsut an example) Obviously not on December 31st. I'm sure sometime in the middle of the year, a problem came that you needed to fix, or change, and really, does it take a 'new year' to help you get started? If you weren't going to make a resolution you first realized, then what's the point of making one in the New Year? What makes a new year so special that all of a sudden we have a million things to be ambitious about? If we resolved our problems, when we first realized them, then girl phoning jenny craig right now, you would be 50 pounds lighter for 2009 if you started working out in March, guy who died from lung cancer, if you stopped smoking when you were 23 maybe you would've lived to see 2009. I know that sounds a bit mean, but I really don't know what the whole commotion on the new years about. I know it's like a a "New Year" in time, but if I were to be annoyingly technical, we'd be celebrating new years the same day as our birthday, unless we're all born on january 1st or december 31st? Right? So 

1 comment:

Denise said...

(Apologies for the late reply, homie.. I just realized you commented now =/)
Oh my goodness, I was totally looking in the wrong places! But I guess it was my bad for not publicizing my love for Brown Sugar or even my tiresome expedition in possessing it.

And are you serious about that spam?

By the way, I know I'm late, but.. WELCOME BACK HOMIE.

And lastly, I couldn't agree more with the moral of this entry.