Saturday, October 3, 2009

Borrow My Mind..."It Comes Back Different"

I always try and write about something different, or atleast not write about the same thing twice in a couple blogs. Every now and then, I have weeks where all I learn, all I experience is one thing. I want to write everyday but it'd sound the same. The cool thing about it is, as repetitive as my writing would sound, however in actual life, the same lesson feels like a different story every single day. I don't know how many times God's put me in situations where he test me in patience, responsibilty, impossibility etc. and every experience never felt like the last one, even if the two happened in the same hour. I think that's what makes life so dope...and blah blah blah Life is blah blah blah I'm tired of people putting Life in a box, life doesn't make stuff up, stuff makes up life. And one of those stuffs is learning, and even when we think we know and we've learned something in life, it doesn't hurt to learn it again, and again, and again, because we need those reminders. Every time it'll be just as hard or just as beautiful, and every time it comes back different. - God is Love


A Therese said...


mariel said...

"Every time it'll be just as hard or just as beautiful"

real tawwwk

ps. yeh, i still read your blog.... haha