Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Do you remember....

Before the stupid ass Facebook Chat. Before Yahoo Messenger. Before MSN messenger. There was. ICQ. Remember that? Did anyone else have ICQ besides my cousin James and I. Ya'll can't be THAT young to not remember ICQ. But anyway, just to give you a background on ICQ..
It was actually produced by "Mirabilis". A company that was founded by 4 Israeli men. Wierd huh. Well, later on it was eventually bought by AOL. It was launched worldwide around november 1996. People still use ICQ. In fact, over 31 million people still us it to date. The reason I got to talking about it is cause an ICQ sound effect came up in a song that I downloaded, and a customer noticed it when I was playing the song at my work. Funny. Anyway, here some things that I've been down with lately...

Music: Duffy. She's dope, She goes along the lines of the lead singer of metric and adele. 
Proton mixtape. SHIT. So good. 
Books: I'm sad to say..."twilight". just read it. haha. 

Hudson's starbucks is dope and american apparel can suck my ballsack with their stupid defect products. 

I'm too lazy to link some funny videos I've been wathching. BUT. I WILL LINK THIS....GENIUS!!!! SHAUN EVARISTO

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Writers Block...Eustress

So I learned there's this kind of stress that's suppose to be good for you. Stress, good for you, I know. It's called "eustress". The "eu" part coming from the word Euphoria, or Euphoric, meaning being in a state of complete and utter hapiness. How is it possible that someone can be, happy, being stressed? Think about all the things that make you stress out. School, your boyfriend, or girlfriend maybe, your parents, work, just some of the main things that people stress about. Where is the hapiness in all those people and things that we stress about? 
I think that stress has some deciding factors that could turn your bad stress into good stress. Depending on the situation, for example, stressing about a test, is good, because it'll make you study hard, if you didn't stress about the test than you wouldn't study as hard, but I guess some of you would for you brains out there. I think the amount of stress you carry or dispell has something to do with your attitude, and a little bit of your self-esteem. If you thing very negatively, the stress of studying for a test might discourage you form studying hard because you keep hammering away that you're going to fail. 
The 2nd day class, my teacher gave me this paper, that had a quote from Charles Swindoll. I'm not sure if I already blogged about this, but I believe it's the story of my current life. He says "Life is 10 percent, the events that happen  to you, and 90 percent how you react to it". You're attitude towards people, and events, play a big role in the outcome. It may see like I went a little bit off topic, but I'll finish it off quick, don't worry...
I know it sounds corny, but if you maintain a positive attitude, then most of your life will be positive. Look at things in different lights, don't restrict yourself to your narrow vision, step back and look at the bigger landscape. The only way you'll study hard for that test, is if you keep up the attitude that you need to study, so you may recieve a great mark. For you hypees out there, working at your dead end jobs, wash those dishes, fold them clothes, and think, on your payday, those new Jekel and Hyde Dunks will be yours. Keeping that attitude, will lessen your dread of work, and better work shit out with your significant other. It's not going to end up good if both of ya'll are stressin' bad. So pretty much, it's your attitude that determines your reaction to stress, and your reaction to stress determines whether it'll be good or bad. So pretty pretty much, Good attitude, React well, Eustress. So go get stressed. - God is Love 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. OCTOBER 18th. 19 years of age. Don't ask me to buy liquor.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just Checkin' In

 I suggest you guys start listening to Jessica Tonder. Just do yourself and favor and nap to her songs. haha. Get on top of Kanye West's leaks of his new songs "Heartless" and "Coldest Winter". Dope shizzz. I don't have that much time to blog, cause I've been in deep studying mode but I'm gonna make it back tomorrow which is my BIRTHDAY. Happy 19th birthday to myself. I wish I could give you links to the Kanye and Jessica Tonder songs but Zshare and media fire are shut down today. What I can do is give you youtube links so ya'll can check them out. I take that back, the internet at my work is being stupid right now. So I'll jsut do it later. 
I think I told you guys a while back that I was doing a documentary on Jacking. I have finished the written part. and I'll be giving snippets of it every couple days on this blog. I might just post the whole thing up on facebook note but it's long as hell. haha. So yeah. The video documetary will start as soon as I get a camera for it. I have to organize everything first. Look out for that. 
Mixtape of the Week: SHAWN CHRYSTOPHER- I.W.G. (I Wear Glasses)
Magazine to Read: ADBUSTERS (Sorry ya'll it's 8 bucks but hey, it's form Vancouver)
I'm Watching Nick and Norah tomorrow!
Ever hear of that group "Retro Kidz", I got some stuff to say about those guys later. Well i gotta go to work. God is Love

Monday, October 13, 2008

Music, Books etc.

Black Milk - ELEC mixtape
PROTON - Red and Purple Mixtape

Sorry I don't have links for the rest of 'em but this is what I'm listening to right now. Not reading any books currently, I don't watch movies, but I am planning to watch that Nick and Norah movie, Let me know if that's good. I've heard good reviews. Haven't looked up on my other blog sites and youtube and such so I don't have anything to cool to show ya'll today, but hopefully you like the music, and hopefully you can find the other ones, some really really good stuff. Common's thing is his demo mixtape, before he became the God MC that he is. Alright, 3 posts in an hour. latteerrrr. - God is Love

Writers Block...Real Talk

Reading my dope 365 days of devotions book (yeah, Donnel's into God and stuff, surprise surprise) I was expecting one of those Thanksgiving devotions but today was pretty cool. It's one of those messages you have to repeat over and over in your head, and once it sinks in your mind opens up to the message. 
We live in a world that's accepting. Anything goes really. Gay marriages are being allowed, morality, is relevant, truth is too complicated to pin down, and committment is defined on our current moods, people talking about there are different ways to "God". "Tolerance" is just a code word for "don't preach to me, I have no intent on changing". Some things that I'll write on my "Real talk" blog entries, are going to sound like sweet music, to the repentant ears. I'd even be surprised if some of ya'll are still reading up 'til now. To tell you the truth, this isn't one of my favorite blogs to write. It should be, really, but messages like these aren't popular to this sort of world we're tolerating. What if I told you that, you're life would be changed if you just chill with God for the rest of your life. I mean, not that stupid stuff like, thanking God when you're giving a speech or your grad write up. I mean, really chill with Him. Really get to know the guy, and know what he's done and could do for you. What if I told you bloggers that blog about the stress' and flaws in your lives that you'd never have to blog about those things or think about them any longer? Be dope right? What if I told you that all you need to do, is make a choice and live your life beside God, and just chill with Him. I stand firm in my words, 'cause I chill, and I stand with God. I'm not trying to decieve you, and coax you into knowing what "real talk" is about, and what the "real truth" is in this world, and in your life. If you've read up to now, you're one step closer to chillin' with God. God's truth is the only water that quenches thirst and the only bread that is filling...- God is Love 


New stuff to the blog. Will be explained when I add them on I guess. Uhh, "Fly girls". Kanye has his "Where are you yeezy?" chicks. I'm going to try and and do a lot of different girls, from random pictures, local girls, models and what not, but I'm going to try and keep it local. First one though isn't, I don't really know much about her but I came across her picture on Look Book. So yeah, "Fly girl". She's just too fly, just too fly, Didn't ask for her nuber and you're wondering why? Cause she just too fly just too fly..-God is Love

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

MIghty...Ready To Save

Pray for Seoul, Korea. Friday's going to be the bizznass in Seoul. Passion Seoul. 
Last night I went to Passion Vancouver. at GM Place, the largest gathering of Christian University students. 7000 made it out, and who knows how many could've went. Free show, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band. Off the chain. 
From this day forward, I'm out of my "Writers Block". I'm still going to keep the title just cause I think it sounds cool. I figured the reason I couldn't think of anything good to write about is that, I went blind. I went blind to my everyday. Music, Hip Hop, Dance, and most of all God. That is my everyday. I lost God, and then went dance, and then went hip hop. Hip Hop came back, dance came back, God's back. Writing is easy. I don't even have to look at the keyboard anymore. I don't even ahve to look at the screnn anymore. I ust place my fingers over these white soft key mac keys and my fingers go. Just go off. I put on for God. I put on for my writing. I put on for Hip Hop. I put on for my everyday. I put on for the bigger picture. So I put on my black skinnys and nikes, throw my peacoat over, macbook in my scarf and put on for my blog. Go grab my free shit from my starbucks, sit in the corner..and put on..

Is his arm too short to ransom you? Does he lack the strength to rescue you? You think your life is too far gone to be changed? When was anything impossible for God, the one parts sea's, slays giants, heals the blind and lame, cleanses leapers, turns water into wine, and cannot be held in a tomb. Whatever your situation, that does not scare god to interevee into your life, you just have to give Him a crack opening in your hearts cave. It takes a little bit of faith, so when he bursts into your life, you will recognize his presence. He looks for faith, genuine, persistant, bold faith. Let's see it?...Remember, He stands, Ready to Save. - God is Love...Peace, back by popular demand. two licks in the air for obama. change gon' come, I'm praying for you America. aight I'm gone.