Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's sort of my job too..

God blessed me with something. Well, a lot of things. But one thing in particular that He's given me is the eager need to help people get better. Give people new, Godly perspectives on their lives. I need people to know that they can be better, they can have better, for no money down, free of charge. Now, I'm not saying I'm the greatest person at taking my own advice, I have my struggles too. I'm no guru of godly wisdom, I am not perfect, I don't know everything. I may not know how to solve a problem or hep someone initially, but in time God will give me words, give me His wisdom to give to other people. My girlfriend is going through some things, and it kills me to see her and hear her talk about how she is. She's not exactly on the verge of suicide or anything 100 miles from that if that's what you're thinking. A number of things contributed to her being the way she is now, and this is next sentence is directed to her personally, I feel partly responsible for it...
That's not why I'm trying to help her, it's not because I want to make myself feel better that I brought another person back to God or even because she's my girlfriend. God blessed me with her, and He's telling me, that I'm going to learn a lot from her, and she's going to learn a lot from me. And not only does he guarantee me with His strength and His patience to be able to help her, He's guaranteed me that she's going to be okay. That she's going to be happy. I don't know how long that's going to take but it will. If he tells me that it's going to take 20 years for her to be happy and be okay then I might just marry her. Nothing, nothing she does can turn me off from her. Nothing she could possibly do, like gain 100 pounds or never shower can make me love her any less. I know she won't believe me when she reads this but she'll see. Let God worry about your problems, give it up to Him, so your mind would be clear for me to make you happy. I just need you to be happy. I work for God. This is the job he gave me. - increase the peace

1 comment:

MLV said...

you should delete this.