Monday, June 14, 2010

Why your blog isn't popular FOR DUMMIES 303

Why your blog isn’t popular FOR DUMMIES: BE YOURSELF
I think the title explains it all. This goes back to “Why your blog isn’t popular 101”. Be you in your blogs, not who you want people to see you as. We become who we want to be, by being, ourselves. Don’t hide youself behind fancy templates and all that. Only small minded people think about how their blog looks. We dont go on blogs to look at layouts.. if you do then please email me at 
I’m coming to see you. I don’t go over to your house to stare at your house, I come over to talk and hang out with you. If you like to interior decorate..sure. I guess it adds to aesthetics but, most poeple don’t give a WHAT?! 
Lastly, take a shit on everything you do. Aswell as outside of your writing/blogging. You’ll be most recognized when people start to see you through everything. Even if it’s already been done. Poeple will know what is a Donnel written peice is, what Dre written piece is...etc etc. Game recognize game. People recognize authenticity. BE YOURSELF. I ain’t pre-teen sitcom, thats the last time I’ll say it. 

- God is Love

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