Tuesday, June 1, 2010

aa hoodie'd couple

His looked fitted. Her looked, baggy. They could probably wear each others at night, in bed. The only time they’re not physically together. They can tell each other how they smell at night. And in the morning. In the hallways they have their own, nook. A hubby hole. Where they share lunches and eat sour keys, but only the purple and yellow ones. For 40 minutes they don’t say much besides flunking tests and soccer practice. She makes a mustache with his hoodie strings and at every oppurtunity he’ll kiss her on cheek. And she’ll close her eyes right when his face gets real close, and she’ll hold her breathe then relaxes herself with a smile. Every, time. 
“I’ll wait for her in the east annex near the bus stop” 
He’ll bus her home. Even though he lives the other way. 
They stand near the backdoors. They laugh when the doors open and hits him on the side of the arm. She grooves herself against him. Her head fits in the middle of his chest and hers against his stomach. She puts her hands in his hoodie pockets. She closes her eyes, as his heart plays a lullaby. His calloused fingers play chords through her hair. His breathing rocks her back and forth. Eyes closed still she asks “Are there any seats yet?..” He looks at me. I get up. They tae the two seats I was sharing with my bag. 
I don’t know why I gave up my seat. I don’t know why his blank stare at me struck me to feel like their names were written on those shitty blue seats. Before I got off the bus I looked at them.. 
Both asleep. Or atleast with thier eyes closed. I’m curious to know when their stop is, or if they missed it. But it doesn’t look like they care. Their hoodies are faded, there’s a stain on his, from the lasagna her mom made last night. Her’s didn’t even have a hoodie string. There was something about this Aa hoodie couple.. I've yet to figure out, I've yet to feel, again.. - God is love

Thanks B + L. THE "aa hoodie'd couple" 


Anonymous said...

this... melted my heart. looove.

leanza said...

Awh Donnel.

Anonymous said...

donnel, this is the first time reading ur blogs and i've gone through from ur newest to old. just had to stop for a sec to say that ur amazing. and i mean it! i loved everything i've read so far. ur so real and so deep. and wow this comment is so corny! haha but for real, i love what ur doing. keep it up, i'll be reading :)