Thursday, March 25, 2010

Clean Living..."Brush Your Teeth, Say Cheese"

This is my friend Julia. We've known each other for about...6 or 7 years now. How we met? I used to creep her Nexopia and I never knew Nexopia "plus" members could see who views thier page. Turns out she knew I looked at her page quiet often. So she decided to comment on my page once "Hey, you're a cutie". From there I met her mom, she made me my first birthday card ever and a hot chocolate later we were best of friends. HA. History lesson over, what's best about her is, her smile. 

"Eff my liiiffee", is that how they say it these days? It seems like everyones lives are made up of these "FML" moments and honestly it's made humans a lot more dramatic. The first time my mom heard that phrase she asked me if I was "Okay" because she heard a group of youngsters like myself talking about their work and school like it was going to be the death of them. I wonder if adults use that phrase too? Anyway..
It's not easier said than done. It's actually just as easy as it is done. It's wierd how sometimes it takes effort for us to smile. Or be happy. Smiles should be just as contagious as laughter. The more we focus on the things that "eff" our lives, the more eff'd our lives will be. 

A question I've asked a million times....Who wants to be sad all the time? 

Most definately not me, you, her or that guy sitting across from me talking about Comic-con. We all have a "Neverland". Y'know that place we want to be in our lives where we think we'll achieve ultimate hapiness. Just like in Peter Pan, the only way to get there is to fly, the only way to have this "make believe" place real is if we think, happy thoughts. And smile, chgeez! This is sort of my corny way of saying...

Love what you do. Be happy in it. The first step is to be thankful for whatever it is. So dance on the street when everyones looking, shell out a couple cents to that guy who plays violin downtown with that big cute dog and smile at the world. A smile, is a curve that sets everything straight. - God is Love

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