Saturday, October 17, 2009

Borrow My Mind..."Love Strong"

I have a feeling I've used this picture already...oh well.

"There's a sad reality in you know?"..."Just believe that what should happen, will happen"..."You did all you can to get her back and you've told her how you feel"...Thanks.

I don't know what it is that makes people do the craziest things to get another ones attention. I watch all these romantic movies where a deceased man sends his widowed wife a trail of letters, or a man spending 500 days with a season. Even if a guy isn't sleeping at playgrounds because you wouldn't wake up to the rocks hitting your window, or even biking from another city to tell you He loves You or if a girl is bending over backwards to get you to realize that she's the one for you, it doesn't mean that these things can't happen. I'm sure screenplay writers don't make these things up without thinking that a man catering to a woman waking up thinking it's October 13, 2002 everyday wouldn't be possible in real life. Sometimes, I think, we fall into the fantasy of our own fantasies thinking that these things are all make believe. Sure, maybe someone won't write you a love song and sing it to you on a plane or stand on top of a coffee stand and publicly confess their love for you but whomever it is, that's meant to love you, will do something as simple as telling you they love you. It'll feel 854385739 times greater than anything you've ever seen in a movie. 'Cause it's yours, it's your story, it's your love. - God is Love...probably one of the corniest blogs but whatever, I'm feelin' the love vibe. HAHA. Thanks guys.


ckp said...

i like this blog :)

rizzy tuazon said...

this made me smile :)

Ivee said...


i do believe in love! i do! i do!



happy birthday donnel! great post

MLV said...

Because saying I love you a handful of times makes all the difference from saying it a million times over 'til it actually becomes true.

Happy Birthday Bay. 070707.

A Therese said...

sorry Donnel, I'm all kiligs now. :)