Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rough Draft..."Beat around the Gibberish"

When I was a little kid I used to speak alot of that "goo-goo-ga-ga" type nonsense. My parents didn't have a clue what I was saying, nor did they know who I was talking to. I'd speak long sentences of this stuff and sometimes I wonder, when I look at other little kids, or babys like that, if they actually know what they're saying. Sometimes when I talk to my a baby cousins, I'll catch that one actual word in the sentence and it'll be something like, 'hahsfd jkshdfe jshdfoes lwris milk jsdjfak'. It's like a parody of those chinese translations in movies, where the guy says a really long sentence in chinese but it only means two words. I know in that long sentence of "baby gibb", all those other words around the word 'milk' have to mean something. 
Even now, as well spoken and articulate we may be, we still talk alot of gibberish. Not alot of people speak straight to the point, rather, fancy our conversation with big words and analogys and stories, that make a simple "sorry", into a red carpet of all sorry's. 
Which has lead me to writing shorter entries, as much as I'd like to analyze my thoughts in explanations, I'd rather keep it simple. Lead you straight to the goods, only making important pit stops. So, maybe without all that extra noise, we'll all be able to hear, the Good News. - God is Love


rye said...

it's nice to know theres another christian amongst this madness of hiphop and bboying and filipinos

