Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rough Draft..."If I was a Top-Notch Writer"

If I was a top notch writer I'd write a blog so deep the ocean'll get jelous. Make my readers give me that "shakey hand" props thing that we do whenever someone does something cool. You know? Writing so profound they might have to include in the Bible. Ha. Nah, maybe in the dictionary, next to the word profound. I'll write some ?hit so deep that it'll make me say "?hit, that was deep". Analogies so farfetch'd that it'd make it seem likely and less imaginative. ha. 
If I was a top notch writer I'd write a blog so free, it's make clepto's stop stealing. Make my readers get lost in the organization of my thoughts that they'd go back and say "?hit that was deep". Writing so fresh that they wouldn't call it "free verse" anymore but they'd call it "Donnel Verse" or "readingisfree verse". Something stupid I thought up. Words so relaxed, you can feel the knots in your muscles untangle as you read it, and you do that thing when you've held your neck in a single position for a long time and you rotate your head around and roll your shoulders. 
If I was I top notch writer I'd write a blog so open that you'd know my lIfe's testimony. Make my readers get in touch with thier feelings as they're feeling mine, you feel me? I'd tell you what I had for lunch, what toothpaste I brush with, the frustrations of my life, photo albums of my dog, and the truths as if it were a drunkfession. Word out my life, from the inside out, so maybe I'll impact you, from the inside, out. 
If I was a top notch writer I'd...Write. - God is Love and I love Writing. 

Great Love to Linton Kwesi Johnson. Thank You. 



"make cleptos stop stealing.."

shiiiiiiiiiiit donnel!! readingisfree verse (Y)

A Therese said...

"...so maybe I'll impact you, from the inside, out." daym straight.

...finish your other one:$

mariel said...

"get in touch with thier feelings as they're feeling mine, you feel me?" ..i feel ya