Monday, January 24, 2011

Sneaker Drive

"Back in the day" I probably would've described myself as a crazy, fun, wild, out-going person. I guess I can still say that about myself, ha. Maybe not "Wild" or "Crazy" but the other ones, yeah. One thing I can describe myself as, and some of you maybe share this with me, is "Sneaker addict". I think I've only made my addiction worse by working at a sneaker store. 
Like everyday, I clean my room. I noticed the massive growth of sneaker boxes and sneakers that have took up a quarter of the space in my room. I looked at all my shoes laying around and matched it with the amount of clothes I had. And I thought to myself.. "Man, I need more clothes". Kidding! Nah, I thought, "man what am I gonna do with all these friggin shoes". 
A dude comes up to and He's like.. "I'll give you eternal life". So what else can I say but "YES". So he says "Cool, all you gotta do, is take all your shoes, and distribute them all throughout your city until you have no shoes left but the ones you have on". Of course, my first thought was "Man, this dude must be crazy". How could I live with just 1 pair of shoes for the rest of my life? I mean, anyone would be saddened by the thought of just giving away a pair of Jordan's you spent hard earned money on. But the fact is, we do need to let it go. When we go six feet under in that coffin, we're not taking anything with us. Much less, a pair of shoes. Some people don't even wear their kicks cause they don't want them to get dirty. I will say this once, if you're a real Jordan fan, you'd wear the crap out of them. Cause Jordan did. 
So after this encounter with this guy I took every shoe in my closet and packed em up in garbage bags. Left a solid 3 or 4 pair to myself and drove off into the city.. so, next time you're in the downtown east side and you see a dude wearing some bomb ass kicks. Well.. y'know. Shoes are meant to be worn, just how lives, are meant to be lived. - God is Love

What's impossible to man, is possible with God. So if you got some kicks you wanna kick out.. I know a lot of people who would love them. Let me know. 



i really like this one donnel and i'm really diggin' the reference.

Anonymous said...

holy i was driving to work last night and i saw bum wearing space jams? ..quite possibly be yours? anyways... good stuff. whens the next chill sesh?

stella said...

uh i was in downtown last night and i saw a scruffy dude rocking 7's... yours?

btw this is sick. ha

Ryan said...

haha love this post