Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Conversation with a Mind Alike..."The Thrill of the Wait"

I guess this is some sort of a spin off to..."At Waitings End", check it out. A couple days ago, I gained new perspective in the topic of, Waiting. It's interesting how we can think about one thing, and see it in a million different views, here's view # 834, 102. I'm also going to dedicate this post to my friend Ryan Smith, who wrote a peice that inspired this. Thanks.

I heard chivalry's back in style, but why go to jupiter and back to get what we want? When 99 roses, 85 love letters, 152 gifts later, we're still in the same place we were when we had taken off?

This whole thing, is just one big game of tag. An open field of people and we just go around tagging whomever we choose. We tag someone, they're it and maybe they'll tag you back. Then someone else tags us and we're back to the races. We're always, chasing. It's, tiring.

I guess, rather than choosing who to chase. It's wondering who will chase you. Everyone is worth the chase, why don't we just wait. For that person, who will respond to your flare gun signal and hop on Usain Bolt's back to come and get you. I'd rather play, duck, duck, goose. Sit in a circle, til someone comes around and pats my head....

Like, Like, Like, Like....


That's a hope worth waiting, and a chase we know we're going to win. - God is Love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very niiice...thanks for the dedication haha