Sunday, December 11, 2011

Notes 6, Count your blessings

People will always want something more, even if what they have is all they need. Unfortunately, it's how we work. I'm sure at one time or another you've asked yourself, why you couldn't be good at something, or have this and that. Some of my friends got brand new expensive cars when they graduated high school and I used to say, man, why couldn't I get a beamer or a escalade for my graduation, all I have is this '91 honda civic! I realized that hey, some other people would be more than happy to have my car. To have a car, period. Some people can't afford cars, some kids have to save up for years to get a car thats even older than mine. So who am I, who are we to act like we think we deserve more than what we need? The thing is, most of us think this way, because, well, we are humans, and secondly, we're just straight up ignorant. The reason why we want more than what we need is because we don't realize our blessings. We're too worried about what we don't have as opposed to what we do. What we're blessed with,  and what we have and how we look isn't always going to be what we want, but it's EXACTLY, what we need and need to be. And that's  MORE than enough - God is Love

1 comment:

web development india said...

Thanks for sharing the lovely post..