Thursday, May 20, 2010

We're Nonducor and we like: Anime Conventions

One of my biggest pet peeves when I read blogs is when people don't give props to the person or people they've drawn inspiration from. I watched a video on vimeo, I wish I would link it to this blog but I can't find it, it was deeeeppp in the logs. Anyway, a woman from New York documented herself in photos just doing her thing, like waiting in a line for no reason, just to be around people. And I thought that was great. I decided to do the same but changed the concept. I hope to do alot of these in the future because  get really lazy to write sometimes. So, thanks to that lady and if she ever sees this when I later link her video, thank you! 

"Good artists copy, Great artists steal" - Anonymous

- God is Love

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