i 've developed a huge amount of road rage. I think it's because I'm always driving like I'm in a rush as if I have somewhere important to be...
Whatever happened to taking things slow? At some recent point I decided to start taking what I wanted in life even if it wasn't mine, or unintended to be mine yet. I figured, if I'm going to have it anyway, might aswell have it now. And carrying too many un-needed things in my backpack. So I leave my house with nowhere to go, and driving down lanes like the Indy 500. Making mundane tasks as important as saving a cat from a tree.Checking off my life's "to do" list from bottom to top. But on June 20th, God blessed me with something, that gave me the insight to work, at Godspeed. To have more self-control, and patience in my life to wait, for the things that need to be waited on. To take slow, things that could last forever. To not look at things a
s fast as a snapshot. Even though the phrase "God Speed" is meant that we wish for a job to be done quickly, I'l go as quick or as slow as God tells me to. In God's time, In God's Speed. - God is Love
I guess it's a lack of patience and self-control. Or maybe a confusion of direction. I recently changed the title of my blogs from "Rough Draft" to "Borrow My Mind" because the way I felt like writing didn't fit in with how my "rough draft" concept was. "writers block" and "rough draft" asked questions, stated epiphonies, and I answered them, and gave my prophecy. I'm not writing, so there's no mental block. This is rougher than a rough draft. this is literally my mind, straight to the keyboard. So sorry if it's unorganized, or poorly grammaticalized. I just hope you borrow my mind and play with it, add stuff to it, take stuff out of it and give it back. So I have an idea of how all of you think. So please, comment, message me on facebook if you have me, email me at donnelbarroso@hotmail.com, add me on twitter.com/DonnelB and give me a PIECE of MIND.