Thursday, September 2, 2010


I don't know why they have palm readers. I don't even know how palm reading works. But if it really did work, the biggest social media network would be called "Palmbook".
We can see a lot in a persons face. It's like, a book. Exactly. Faces tell us about the kind of life someones been living. We can seen if someones spent most of their life laughing and smiling, we can tell in the lines around their mouth and cheek. Grumpy old men usually have brushy eyebrows and downward features on their face cause they've spent their whole life frowning. ha. We can see the duality of someones life in their face. If they've had a mix of both immensely happy years of their lives and extreme lows. We can tell by the way they smile, if they're used to smiling, if their comfortable enough to smile in front of you. If they smile with their teeth or their lips. And their eyes. How tense their stare is. How bright their eyes are, and if their soul just as bright. A portrait of a person explains a lot. And that's all I ever need to know. When I look at you. When I look at her. When you look at him. Really look, feel their face if you want to. But that's where the story starts. That's where it ends. See how their status' change. And you might want to take a look in the mirror too, and take a look at yourself. I promise you'll 'Like' what you see. - God is Love

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