Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Conversations with Embarrasment..."Let's Be Stupid"

You're welcome Due..haha

The high notes of life consist of the high notes we never hit, but try to anyway because it makes us feel like Mariah or Brian Mcknight. The things we do after we look around to see if anyones watching. The things we do before we notice that the woman in the next car is glaring at you. Our voices get a little more quiet, the music plays a little more softer but the joy is still there. Where that smile blushes our faces. And the laughter that bursts out after driving away from that glaring woman. Most things that we find embarrasing are just grown in foolishness. We still walk around in our moms heels, they just fit us better now. Looking through old albums and remembering times when we accidentally fell into that pond only to find ourselves now halfway in a sewer hole trying to dig out our keys. Dancing around the house in your underwear realizing our mom was watching us all along may be embarrasing at first, but, after putting on a pair of paints and cleaning up the living room, you can't help but laugh an tell all our friends about it. Something times, being stupid, can lead to being happy. So, let's all act stupid, together - God is Love

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