Sorry for the inconsistency this past few weeks. I've been journaling, and forgot about my online one. But here goes..
(Picture taken in the Philippines, seems like everyones going back)
When days, weeks, months, semesters get busy the only times we can find time for ourselves and our own thoughts is the car rides/bus rides to our busy lives. Even then our minds are still cluttered with pharmacology, Romeo and Juliet, getting a front seat in class, Boys, Girls etc. Weekends are either slept or worked through and hardly the end of the week vacation they should be. We work our schedules out so we have free time for free time, stay up later to wake up later, cancel a day with the boy to be with the girls, switch a shift here to have time there. At the end of it we still don't have free time, still in bed at 2pm, a day owed to the boy, shift switched or not we still have work. It's stressful, frustrating sometimes. If we want it to be.
Moving things around, making space, finding time would be usless if we don't have Peace in anything. Finding peace isn't about getting rid and getting away from our lifes noises but to be immersed in them and still be calm in our hearts.
"Finding Peace isn't being Out of our lives, it's to be In with ourselves" - Donnel Barroso
-God is Love
I love you.
I'm good huh? HA.
always perfect timing Donnel, srsly <3
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