Saturday, October 16, 2010

Frost, Robert

"I was never good at MATH or SCIENCE and all of that stuff. I wasn't even good at Social Studies. I didn't even try at Art. I didn't even take art, or photography in school. I went into Health Care. I like it, I love it. I know a job, is a job and I shouldn't feel bad but I do. I do feel bad when I get a job over women and men who need the job to support a family. To survive in this country. And they're probably praying their hearts out every night hoping they get this job and some kid like me gets it and I spend that money, that would feed two children, pay rent, save a life... on a pair of Jordans, a 35 dollar plain black toque.. This is why I chose you. I chose you. I chose the minimum wage when over above average because I'd like to deserve something. I'd like to not be yelled at for not knowing what hard work is and just do it. Do what? Work hard. I'd like to go the long way because I can. Because I'm young. I took the road more travelled by. Because my parents parents parents, and my parents parents and my parents are all wondering, after they're done, being here, Who, will, take, over." - Donnel Barroso from NONDUCOR YEARBOOK 2010: We Made it

1 comment:

A Therese said...

so many pieces of you in this one, love