Wednesday, July 21, 2010

“Know your Man-ners”

I shelled out 3 quarters of my bank account. 60 bucks. I had planned on using that money for gas but I guess I could survive w/o my car. I’ve been doing so for the past, half a year already. With 30 dollars in my pocket I felt, less of a man. Because I couldn’t support myself, support the girl, support my empty gas tank. I still owe my uncle 300 dollars. Which I will pay back. When I get my next paycheque. I handed him the 60 dollars and I saw a dinner for two, a cruise down beach street and an angry parent in those 20 dollar bills.. 
“I don’t care about the money. I’m just teaching you responsibilty. I’m just teaching you how to be a man” 
We all think we have to come to a certain standard in order to be eligible. As a Christian I used to think.. Aw man, I did this and I did that.. I can’t talk to God now. I gotta go out and change my life and do some good deeds and then I’ll be ready to talk to him. But that’s not what God wants us to do. He wants us to ome to Him, for guidance, and for security because that’s what He’s there for. He’s there to breathe us life, when we’re choking on our own understandings. 
It’s not the size of our wallet, or our ability to ensure security. It’s being able to recognize our faults as people and owning up to our responsibilities in finding a solution. Noone is ever in too deep to ask for help. When you think you’re being a pussy... you’re actually being a man. - God is Love


Anonymous said...

"He’s there to breathe us life, when we’re choking on our own understandings."

Love that!

ckp said...

i'm down for hammer bros pt.2

but last time you bailed >=(