Friday, February 19, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
"Can I go to the washroom? "
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Textbook Love...Love is > Than "Encyclopedias and Horoscopes"
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Textbook Love...Love is > Than "Sweet Words and Symphonies"
I love you? I love you. I. Love. You. Iloveyou. 143.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. Tired yet? We put those 3 words at the top of our mouths like chewing gum. And when we feel the need to use it, we start chewing. Chewing those 3 words until it's flavorless and hard. Out of nervousness? Out of, desperation? Out of, laziness?
We throw it out there sometimes because we feel like it, not because we actually feel. Like it. Because we're not sure, but we want to so sure. We make ourselves believe that we do. We wrap our "I love you" with long letters and metaphors, things that only him and her would smile about. When we're done. We stick it right back up to the top of our mouths, until we feel like chewing again.
Love is not saying "I love you" when you don't know. Love is just being there. Shoot, if we're not willing to work for Love, we can sure bet that we don't know what it is. We must know what Love is, before we can say it.
This one girl asked me "Do you love me?" and I I really thought I did. But I realized, I didn't. I never made any sacrifices on their behalf. The power behind the "I Love You" is the motive of the love, of God in our hearts. The power of our "I Love You" isn't vocabulary, diction, cleverness. The power is the genuine, loving heart of a girl and boy who has the message.
We can keep chewing that gum, and pull out lines that will make Shakespeare wish he'd thought of that, but without Love. It's just ringing in our ears. It's much more than the things we say. It's never late, to really mean it. To really love, God's love. So, just chew another piece already? - God is Love
Textbook Love